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February 8, 2025
Remix and Stitch Lab retreat from Ellyn's Place

 I'm so excited to share a wonderful opportunity with you! Mod Maker Zone (aka Catherine and I!) are hosting a creativity retreat....

Remix and Stitch Lab

Remix and Stitch lab will be a five day immersive retreat where together we will explore our creative voices and processes. There will be some sewing (improv quilting!), paper crafting, weaving and even improv comedy! 

We're so happy that mixed media artist, Dori Patrick, will be joining us as a workshop teacher. I know you'll love Dori! Every time I interact with her I feel like sunshine has entered the room ...

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December 4, 2024
Creative Crossroads from Ellyn's Place

Something fun I have begun with my pal Catherine! We are recording a podcast! Introducing Creative Crossroads, available now on all the popular streaming services...

Our first series of interviews is with a variety of wonderful artists, exploring their creative process. It's been fascinating learning how differently we all create.

First up, available now for listening, is a chat with our friend Dusty Allendorf. Dusty is a wonderful modern quilter. Listen now to learn how she uses technology as an important element of her process.

Also available for streaming is our interview with artist Amanda Dunbar. Amanda is primarily ...

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October 4, 2024
Another Idea on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre


Anybody who has been paying attention would know that the last 6 months, I've been a bit obsessed with my new job.  Let me just say that Customer Service is not for the weak at heart...but...if you love your product and you love working with people, it can be really fun.  Not to mention throw in a nice work environment and a touch of technology and its really is fun.

That all said, my creative side is slowly but surely coming back to life.  I've had this idea baking in the back of my brain for ...

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April 12, 2024
Let's Talk Improvisational Piecing on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre


Curves II,  Nina-Marie Sayre
Improved pieced to a planned pattern

Improv Surface Design with a little bit 
of Improv Piecing, 

Taking a class in improvisational piecing, got me thinking of how many uses there are for the technique.  For that matter, how much a non-technique, improvisational piecing actually is.  The reason I say that is improvisational piecing's only rule is that there are NO RULES.  So, it can basically do whatever you want, whenever you want, letting your fabric, your vision or even your intuition be in
the driver seat. 

That can be very freeing or a little scary ...

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March 29, 2024
Improv Piecing on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

Hard at Work

You know sometimes all you want to do is sew and boy, have I done that.  Taking Improvisational

Piecing with Veronica Hofman-Ortega
at John C. Campbell's Folk School was one of my better ideas.  I love a class that starts with design exercises that will lead into bigger and better ideas.  Not to mention the ladies in my class were great!  There was a full range of quilters in the class  - from the very experienced to the beginner.  All were traditional, so this was pushing pretty much everyone out of their comfort zone.  But let me ...

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February 2, 2024
Designing a Calendar Cow on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

 I was looking back at previous posts (and when I say "back" I mean wayyyyyy back) and I realized that

I hadn't shown how I designed the Calendar Cow blocks.  So I thought it was a good idea to, since so many times I hear from people who see my work, "I wish I could draw."  I always smile and answer, "Me, too!"

So here is how to design a representational block when you can't draw but you know how to use a laptop, pencil and tracing paper.

1.  Come up with an Idea.  Since these blocks are ...

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July 21, 2023
When Your Big Idea Changes on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

Our Classroom at Marc Adams School of Woodworking and Time Honor Crafts

Okay, let me start by saying, this is not this clown's first rodeo.  When I get ready for a 5-day design class, I normally have a plan in mind of how it's going to go.  This week with Timna Tarr's Stitched Mosaic was no different.  Since I took this exact same class last year, I thought no problem.  You pick a pretty picture - you edit - you place fabrics - you sew - you get your pretty picture in fabric.  Right?

Well, apparently not.

It started off pretty ...

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June 30, 2023
The Tess Take-Over: Publishing an Indie Novel on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

I used to think that there was nothing better than a good book—the kind that makes you spend days cocooned in your favorite reading nook, not a care in the world. Turns out, the only thing better than reading a good book is writing one. My name is Tess, and this week I'm taking over my mom's blog to tell you about my debut novel, Kit & Basie (Tales from Long Lily, 1), and how the heck I got to this point. 

My mom can tell you I've been writing stories since before I could accurately spell ...

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November 11, 2022
Praise Hands - a Rerun on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

 Since I started working full-time back in 2012, Thursday nights have always been my blog night.  This mostly works out well, unless an emergency pops up like today.  So I thought I would steal an idea from my favorite blog, Ask A Manager, and rerun a post that was hidden in the archives.  Since back in 2009 hardly anybody was reading, I thought what the heck!  

Praise Hands for Sacred Threads 2009

"Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God, the Father, for everything." Eph 5:19,20

I have a habit of ...

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June 24, 2022
Musings on Mosaics on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre


The moment when you realize you've let things get too complicated

So today I took the afternoon off to sew.  It isn't a great time to take off since all of a sudden, the country has decided it's actually summer and they want to buy, buy, buy their summer clothes.  It's been kinda crazy at work and with summer here, crazy on the social front.  All of that adds up to no time to sew.  So I did it. I took the afternoon off to finally finish up Tessa's Mosaic.

I've been three weeks ...

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June 21, 2022
The Creative Process is the Point from Where Art & Life Meet

I've been busy. With my gifted studio space I am making good use of it. There's no wi-fi, so I tend to just work and not stop to make videos or write posts, etc.  As a result I've been less visible than usual, which has been a good thing to do from time to time. Regroup, rethink, reprioritize, and in general concentrate on what I like, what I want and less on what I think I "should" be doing. Painting has taken me back to beginner status.  I'm just figuring things out, testing out the materials ...

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May 27, 2022
Sew Tessa on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

Snowflakes turned into Queen Lace

 Yes, the saga of the Stitched Mosaic continued this week.  I spent most of my sewing time, ripping out sections, redoing applique patterns, and getting them sewed back together.  I'm so glad I did.  In the quiet of my studio, it was much easier to get the curves just right...not to mention most of the seams to meet.  I'm not trying to be overly fussy about it though.  I think the imperfections in the mosaic make it much more interesting!  (Here is the original photo inspiration in case you've forgotten)

obviously ...

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December 23, 2021
This Just In: New Workshops for 2022! from Where Art & Life Meet

A little humor first thing in the morning is like a little gift of joy.  So I was thrilled when my friend sent me this video.  Too funny and exactly the sort of thing my mother used to send to me.  She would have loved this.  This one's for you Mom.  Please know this is silly and meant to be funny.  If you don't find it so, move right along. [video width="848" height="480" mp4=""][/video] In other news, my new workshop line up for 2022 is up ...

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December 14, 2021
Going Down the Organizing Rabbit Hole from Where Art & Life Meet

There are diversions and then there are DIVERSIONS!  Organizing can be one of those.  I finished the BIG piece I’ve been working on and instead of leaping into something new, I got sidetracked with organizing.  Organizing my work space, it’s pretty small so it takes some doing to spend more than a few hours on […]

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December 10, 2021
More Value on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

 I would love to say that I've accomplished more this week, but  'Tis the Season and all that!!  All I can say is the house is nearly decorated so at least it's looking festive around here.

I did finally finish up my value studies with these last two.  I took the suggestion of my critique partner and tried some with the point of the ray going underneath of the circle.  Also, I wanted to try making the lightest parts of the curve on the outer edges which I definitely think adds depth.  I can see how the ideas ...

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December 9, 2021
Showing up For Work from Where Art & Life Meet

I’m not feeling great.  I should probably just end this post right here.  But, no, I’ll soldier on. Not because this post is important, it’s not, but because it represents all the things on my to do list and so much that is just life. No one needs to hear my laundry list of “woes”, […]

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December 3, 2021
Adding the Value on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

A Work Table of a Quilter?


About 10 years ago, Elizabeth Barton asked me to make value studies of the design I had chosen to do in her class.  No problem.....How many?


I beg your pardon?  Did you say 8? OMGosh!  Are you crazy? I sew.  I do not spend time coloring ... in greys!

But I did (Because why spend $600 on a class if you're not going to listen to the teacher, right?!)  Let me tell you it was time well spent.  Doing value studies really gives you good starting point once you start auditioning fabrics ...

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December 2, 2021
Finishing a Project is Like a Tiny Death from Where Art & Life Meet

I’m just about finished with my big improvisational stitching piece that I’ve been working on for the last 7 months or so, and it’s bittersweet.  It always feels like a tiny death.  There’s sadness and a kind of grieving that happens.  Sometimes I just leave it up on my design wall and look at it […]

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November 26, 2021
The Idea Continues on Off the Wall Friday from Creations - Quilts, Art, Whatever by Nina-Marie Sayre

 Last week I explained how I create an idea from the very beginning.  This week I actually put it into practice.  With the Sacred Threads Art Show deadline 7 weeks away, I really need to get my act together.  Of course, after the year I've had, sometimes I forget where my act actually is so I can get it together.  Luckily I found some creativity I had squirred away for a rainy day and the design is well on its way.  

Red and Orange Streak, OKeefe
#1 Theme - For Sacred Threads, it needs to be themes that explore joy ...

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October 26, 2021
Interpretive Hand Stitching from Where Art & Life Meet

Yesterday I released a new Youtube Video with the same title. Go check it out! There are a few other key factors to interpretive hand stitching, improvisational hand stitching, expressionist hand stitching or whatever else you might want to call it.  I think all of these are good descriptors of my process when taking a […]

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